The Personal MBA

Master the Art of Business

A world-class business education in a single volume. Learn the universal principles behind every successful business, then use these ideas to make more money, get more done, and have more fun in your life and work.

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From The Personal MBA’s List of the 99 Best Business Books...

Review: ‘The New Leaders’ 100-Day Action Plan’ by George Bradt et al

Walking into a new leadership assignment is tough: to succeed, you’re going to need a plan. The New Leader’s 100-Day Action Plan will guide you through the process of planning the first 100 days of your new role.

In this book, you’ll learn how to plan to make a great first impression, gain allies in your new role quickly, manage your team, collect early wins, set a new strategic direction, and avoid common mistakes and pitfalls that often trip up new leaders.

In addition to containing great information, this book also features a set of downloadable forms that will help you start planning quickly and easily.

The next time you’re ready to take on a new leadership challenge, pick up The New Leader’s 100-Day Action Plan.

Buy ‘The New Leaders’ 100-Day Action Plan’ by George Bradt et al

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    The Personal MBA

    Master the Art of Business

    A world-class business education in a single volume. Learn the universal principles behind every successful business, then use these ideas to make more money, get more done, and have more fun in your life and work.

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    About Josh Kaufman

    Josh Kaufman is an acclaimed business, learning, and skill acquisition expert. He is the author of two international bestsellers: The Personal MBA and The First 20 Hours. Josh’s research and writing have helped millions of people worldwide learn the fundamentals of modern business.

    More about Josh Kaufman →